Monday, February 14, 2011


Hi all

Here's hoping that the start of your day has been a good one?! Monday's are often dreaded I know, by most. For me, I always like to think of it as a fresh new week - a fresh new start.
"Fresh" being the key word here! So on this note, I would like to bring to your attention something that really got me worked up this past week and most definitely had nothing to do with the word "FRESH"...

What would normally take me half an hour from point A to point B, instead took me over 2 hours last week. So you can imagine how the "red mist" was rising within me. I think the real irtritation that actually sent me over the edge was not so much the bumper to bumper traffic caused by traffic lights not working, burt rather the sight of a young mom, all smartly dressed in her formal work attire, with what looked like 3 children no older than about 7 sitting in the back seat (so one good point for her - they were in the back seast and looked to have their seat belts on). To my shock, horror, she was puffing away on a cigarette.

Now, understanding one's frustration of sitting in traffic and the craving for nicotine to try and calm yourself(I myself was a smoker - so I can relate), BUT the fact that you have 3 little "healthy" bodies in the car, most certainly does NOT SIT RIGHT with me. Second hand smoke has been proven to be unbelievably harmful to one, especially when these little one's are kids. Secondly it simply LOOKS DISGUSTING!

Come on moms - think about what you are doing to your little ones. Besides poluting their lungs, you then drop them off at school, creche, daycare etc. with them smelling of smoke, you definitely do not look to be the responsible parent here...

If you are going to smoke - by all means do, just take into account what you are doing to your little ones!

So please - I urge you all....think FRESH! think HEALTHY! You can make a difference to your OWN CHILDS HEALTH!