Monday, December 8, 2014

Christmas Crafts

Christmas Crafts for the Kids

If you are anything like me - Christmas time is my absolute most favourite time of the year - I love putting up the Christmas tree and hanging all the decorations. For me it's "family time" and whether you are going away or not, I think it's the perfect time to "get creative" with your children.

So instead of letting them sit in front of the TV or Ipad, Playstation or XBox.....get creative and stimulate their fine motor co-ordination while at the same time spending quality time together.

Here is a wonderful craft idea - where you can make presents or decorations for the tree or table. It's quick and easy.

Salt Dough Recipe:
1 Cup Salt
1 Cup Flour
1/2 Cup Water

Mix all the ingredients together into a bowl (you may need to add a bit more water to get the right consistency) - then once you are able to get it into a ball (you can use a fork to help mix together) - roll it out into the shape/shapes you want to create (you can use cookie cutters). You can also add different food colouring to give it a colour (or paint yourself at the end). Remember if you are making Christmas decorations that need to hang on the tree, you need to make holes at the top before your bake them.

Once you have your moulds / shapes - you can do finger, hand foot prints. It is then time to bake. Bake in the oven at 100 C (200F) for about 3 hours.

Once the decorations are done - let them cool. You can then paint them if you have not done the food colouring. Thread with pretty ribbon and "VOILA" - your creations are ready!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Bath Time Fun


Learning through play is definitely one of the best ways in which to teach your little toddler. This week we are going to focus on BATH TIME and the fun things you can do with your little one to help stimulate and develop.

When I think back to when my little ones were small, I always find myself thinking back to bath-time! It was definitely one of my most favourite times of the day....

Water can be such fun and pretty much begins from birth. So simply things such as pouring water from one cup to another can turn a nightmare situation into an absolute tranquil and soothing experience for you and baby. Plus it is constructive as you are in effect helping to stimulate their hand-eye coordination.

I have put together some fun Hints & Tips for you to try with your little one...To view these hints and tips click here

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Safety of Our Children

The Safety of Our Children

Being a parent is one thing - living in South Africa is another. It simply tears at my heart strings when I read each day about children being abused, neglected, abducted. Families being hijacked etc. Sure it happens all over the world, but my concern is right here, right now, where I live, where I raise my children.

Unfortunately our kids are being exposed to this on a daily basis too and as such I worry that subconsciously they are being affected. So how do we overcome this? Do we keep them sheltered - turning off the radio when driving them to and from school each day? Or do we explain to them the right and wrong of each story being aired?

I tend to go for the latter - whether this is correct or not, I only hope that my parenting skills will prevail. That by explaining and proving them with as accurate yet tactful explanations, they will grow up to be wiser and aware of their surroundings - whether good or evil.

I also believe that it is imperative that we as parents ensure that our children are well aware of the basic things such as their parents cell phone numbers, home address, emergency numbers. But more importantly that they know what to do in case of an emergency. Who to call etc.

It is the least we can do to ensure the basic safety of our

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Healthy Snacks

Healthy Snacks for Toddlers

A new year! New goals! New habits! Well, we try...

I write this article today as I am sure there are a lot of moms and dads out there that are confronted with the same daily "chores" as I am - making kids lunches for school, snacks for after sport or extra murals etc. (The same would apply to parents with toddlers that are on the move, out and about, going to Day-care etc.).

For me this has to be one of my frustrating tasks that I have to contend with on a daily basis. Not because I don't enjoy doing things for my kids but more that fact that I want to ensure I am preparing HEALTH meals / snacks for my little ones. And healthy snacks that I know they will in fact eat and want to eat.

I came across these tips on our website over the holidays and thought they would be great to try. They have helped me and so hopefully I can share them with you.

Planning healthy meals need not be a difficult task. It can in fact be fun, quick and easy… Here we give you some interesting ideas that you can use and adapt to your little one’s daily meals / lunches.


  • Always try and include one of each of the following…
  • Portion of carbohydrate e.g. wholewheat bread, pasta, rice salad, Snacker bread.
  • Fruit and or veggies.
  • One portion dairy e.g. yogurt, cheese etc.
  • Portion of protein e.g. egg, tuna, chicken, beef, lentil or beans.
  • A drink – water, juice etc.

That way you know your little one is receiving a healthy well balanced meal.

Some meal ideas:

  • Chicken pasta salad with mushrooms, sweetcorn and even some peas and baby tomatoes may be added.
  • Mini pita pockets with a slice of cheese, some cucumber and even some hummus.
  • Egg, lettuce and tomato roll.
  • Salmon or tuna pasta salad – again you can add sweetcorn, tomato and peas.
  • Wholewheat bread with a slice of ham or beef with tomato and cucumber.

Remember that if you are packing school lunches, some of these may be a bit "smelly" - like eggs or tuna - so maybe keep these ideas for at home.

Snacks for on the side:

Carrot or cucumber sticks Fruit – cubed. This can include apple, strawberries, pears, banana etc. (my kids simply LOVE this) Raisins Rice cakes / provitas Snacker bread

Hope this helps. Try keep it interesting for you and your little one.

Till next time. Happy snacking...