Thursday, February 6, 2014

Healthy Snacks

Healthy Snacks for Toddlers

A new year! New goals! New habits! Well, we try...

I write this article today as I am sure there are a lot of moms and dads out there that are confronted with the same daily "chores" as I am - making kids lunches for school, snacks for after sport or extra murals etc. (The same would apply to parents with toddlers that are on the move, out and about, going to Day-care etc.).

For me this has to be one of my frustrating tasks that I have to contend with on a daily basis. Not because I don't enjoy doing things for my kids but more that fact that I want to ensure I am preparing HEALTH meals / snacks for my little ones. And healthy snacks that I know they will in fact eat and want to eat.

I came across these tips on our website over the holidays and thought they would be great to try. They have helped me and so hopefully I can share them with you.

Planning healthy meals need not be a difficult task. It can in fact be fun, quick and easy… Here we give you some interesting ideas that you can use and adapt to your little one’s daily meals / lunches.


  • Always try and include one of each of the following…
  • Portion of carbohydrate e.g. wholewheat bread, pasta, rice salad, Snacker bread.
  • Fruit and or veggies.
  • One portion dairy e.g. yogurt, cheese etc.
  • Portion of protein e.g. egg, tuna, chicken, beef, lentil or beans.
  • A drink – water, juice etc.

That way you know your little one is receiving a healthy well balanced meal.

Some meal ideas:

  • Chicken pasta salad with mushrooms, sweetcorn and even some peas and baby tomatoes may be added.
  • Mini pita pockets with a slice of cheese, some cucumber and even some hummus.
  • Egg, lettuce and tomato roll.
  • Salmon or tuna pasta salad – again you can add sweetcorn, tomato and peas.
  • Wholewheat bread with a slice of ham or beef with tomato and cucumber.

Remember that if you are packing school lunches, some of these may be a bit "smelly" - like eggs or tuna - so maybe keep these ideas for at home.

Snacks for on the side:

Carrot or cucumber sticks Fruit – cubed. This can include apple, strawberries, pears, banana etc. (my kids simply LOVE this) Raisins Rice cakes / provitas Snacker bread

Hope this helps. Try keep it interesting for you and your little one.

Till next time. Happy snacking...

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